找不到****。​​APK +的android找不到、APK、android

2023-09-13 01:52:56 作者:梨窝浅笑

每当我试图运行我的项目,我得到了控制台此错误。 找不到的 * 的*。APK

Whenever i am trying to run my project, i am getting this error in the console. "Could not find **.apk"

操作系统:Windows XP

Operating system: windows XP

IDE:Eclipse的SDK 版本:3.4.2 建立ID:M20090211-1700

IDE: Eclipse SDK Version: 3.4.2 Build id: M20090211-1700


Android: 1.6

ADT:ADT 10.0.0

ADT: ADT 10.0.0


FYI: it is only happening with a single project, other projects are running fine..


我认为当你从依赖项目下重命名库项目出来会发生这种情况。 Eclipse是一个相当不错的约有关更新在大多数情况下,依赖关系,但是这一次似乎是脆弱的。

I think this can happen when you rename the library project out from underneath the dependent project. Eclipse is reasonably good about about updating dependencies in most cases but this one seems fragile.


First try removing and then re-adding your library in Project > Properties > Android > Library.


If that doesn't work try cleaning your projects, exiting Eclipse, and opening the ".classpath" file in your project's root directory. If you see a line that references your library project under a previous name, just delete it, save the file, and relaunch Eclipse. Build the library project and then your dependent one. You may need to re-add the library like I mentioned above. This is what worked for me at least.


Edit note: I also found some stale references in my .project files. They didn't seem to be causing any problems but I removed them too. If you do that, be sure to search for the old name in that file as there was a whole "link" section near the bottom that also referenced it.
