
2023-09-13 01:04:50 作者:从未拥有何谈失去


I'm currently initializing my Google Analytics tracker as follows:

GoogleAnalytics analytics = GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(context);
Tracker mGATracker = analytics.newTracker(context.getString(R.string.ga_code));

它工作正常的发送自定义事件和这样的,虽然我没有看到任何自动活动跟踪(寻找下行为 - >活动 - >屏幕中GA)。难道我不能让这样此设置?

It works fine for sending custom events and such, though I'm not seeing any auto activity tracking (looking under Behavior -> Events -> Screens in GA). Am I not able to enable this setting in this way?


你能不能也一定要叫enableAutoActivityReports在 GoogleAnalytics 类?我知道,电话是重复的,但不幸的是,我们一直没能解决这个问题呢。在即将到来的版本之一,我们将不再需要在两个地方调用此方法。

Can you also make sure you call enableAutoActivityReports on GoogleAnalytics class? I know that the calls are duplicated but unfortunately, we have not been able to fix this yet. In one of the upcoming versions, we'll remove the need to call this method in two places.


If this answer doesn't work, Can you also make sure that there is some screen name associated with the screens you are using.


If none of the above work, please edit the question and add logs with tag starting with "GAV"