
2023-09-13 00:41:40 作者:穷极一生钟情一人


How / where can I see what happened when my Android application crashes in Eclipse (using Run, not Debug)?



Sometimes the device gets "out of sync" with eclipse and logcat doesn't show any messages, as you've discovered.

要解决这个问题,尝试了)去DDMS并选择您的设备; B)关闭logcat的标签,并创建一个新的; C)断开你的设备,并重新连接; D)退出日食和重新启动; E)重启设备;或f)重新启动计算机,按顺序。通常情况下,问题是固定的,你已经做了的时候)。

To fix this, try a) going to DDMS and selecting your device; b) closing the logcat tab and creating a new one; c) disconnecting your device and reconnecting it; d) exiting eclipse and restarting it; e) rebooting your device; or f) rebooting your computer, in that order. Usually the problem is fixed by the time you've done a).