
2023-09-14 23:01:31 作者:少年荒废了谁的夏


I am working on an application which uses web view in one of it's activities. I have attached a java script interface with the web content. I need to call an activity with data in bundle based on the click event(can say touch event). I can pass data back to Java script interface but it's not letting me call startActivity(Intent). Is there any other way I can call an activity. Thanks in advance!!



You can use the WebView OnClick to check which link was clicked and take action accordingly. Like this:

wv.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public boolean onClick(View v){
    HitTestResult result = wv.getHitTestResult();
    String url = result.getExtra();
    //Log.i(myTag, url);
        Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), yourActivity.class);



getHitTestResult() will give you an object that will tell you where the URL of the link points. You can use this to make different links do different things within your app.