
2023-09-13 00:08:56 作者:孤存


I read a post about Volley and I know it's great networking library. But I couldn't understand one thing.


All request is Async Task or not?

当我想用排枪,我需要把排球请求的AsyncTask发送AsyncTask的请求? 或者我应该只是调用凌空要求它已经AsyncTask的要求吗?

when I want send asyncTask request using Volley do I need put Volley request in AsyncTask? or should I just call Volley Request it's already AsyncTask request?

 private class MyClass extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

        protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
           // do Volley request


Is this right approach?



You don't need to run Volly request on async task.


他们管理上的独立线程中的所有网络相关的任务。 如果你仔细观察,在库项目中,他们并没有想象的异步任务。 但他们聪明地有效地处理所有与网络相关的任务。

They manage all network related task on separate thread. If you look closely at library project they did not picture the async task. But they intelligently handle all network related task efficiently.

检查 RequestQueue.java 在Volly的主包类

Check RequestQueue.java class in Volly's main package


here I am pasting java doc.

 * A request dispatch queue with a thread pool of dispatchers.
 * Calling {@link #add(Request)} will enqueue the given Request for dispatch,
 * resolving from either cache or network on a worker thread, and then delivering
 * a parsed response on the main thread.




With Volley, network communication is managed by the RequestQueue. The best way to utilize the RequestQueue and all of its tools, especially the cache, is by instantiating it once and keeping it around as a singleton. At this point you can then add or cancel requests, stop or start requests, and access the response cache(s).

RequestQueue queue =Volley.newRequestQueue(this);


Once the RequestQueue has been instantiated a request must be formed. This can be done utilizing a few different "out of the box" request classes included with the Volley Library or by extending Volley’s request class into your own custom request. The request classes already included in Volley are a String request, JSON requests, and an Image Request. Most of the request classes included in Volley library utilize constructors much like the one below.


RequestMethod(GET,POST,删除等) * 的JSONObject 的* - 将张贴你的要求的可选对象 ResponseListener - 如果你的数据将在请求后去完成 ErrorListener - 什么会被告知当有您的要求问题

RequestMethod(get, post, delete, ect) *JSONObject*-An optional object that will be posted with your request ResponseListener- Where your data will go after the request is complete ErrorListener – What will be told when there was a problem with your request.

JsonObjectRequest request = JsonObjectRequest(Requestmethod, url, null,  new ResponseListener(), new ErrorListener());



private class ResponseListener implements Response.Listener{
  public void onResponse(JSONObject response){



private class ErrorListener implements Response.ErrorListener{
  public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error){


Finaly添加您的要求请求队列,everithing volly会为您处理的其余部分。

Finaly add your request to Request queue, rest of everithing volly will handle for you.



Now, that we have made our request and response classes we are ready to add the request to the queue and retrieve the data. To do so we simply add the request to the queue.



The response or error will then be delivered to the response/error classes that we defined in our request. You can add as many requests to the queue that you would like at one time and the responses will be delivered to their respective response/error classes
