
2023-09-12 11:08:29 作者:? 亡梦爱人


I want my Android app to recognize sound. For example I want to know if the sound from microphone is a clapping or knocking or something else.


Do I need to use math, or can I just use some library for that?


If there are any libraries for sound analysis please let me know. Thanks.


Musicg 图书馆是哨子检测有用。至于鼓掌,我不建议使用它,因为它反应到每一个响亮的声音(甚至是语音)。

Musicg library is useful for whistle detection. Concerning claps, I wouldn't recommend use it, cause it reacts to every loud sound (even speech).

有关拍手等声音撞击检测,我建议 TarsosDSP 。它具有丰富的功能,(间距检测等)的简单API。对于拍手检测,你可以使用类似(如果你使用TarsosDSPAndroid-V3):

For clap and other percussive sounds detection I recommend TarsosDSP. It has a simple API with a rich functionality (pitch detection and so on). For clap detection you can use something like (if you use TarsosDSPAndroid-v3):

MicrophoneAudioDispatcher mDispatcher = new MicrophoneAudioDispatcher((int) SAMPLE_RATE, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_OVERLAP);
double threshold = 8;
double sensitivity = 20;
mPercussionDetector = new PercussionOnsetDetector(22050, 1024, 
        new OnsetHandler() {

            public void handleOnset(double time, double salience) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Clap detected!");
        }, sensitivity, threshold);
new Thread(mDispatcher).start();


You can tune your detector by adjusting sensitivity (0-100) and threshold (0-20).
