
2023-09-12 10:55:34 作者:岁月无忧


If you want to start Google Now on Nexus devices, you swipe-up with a simple gesture from the navbar. I want go replace this feature with my own app. if you swipe the, app-picker comes and asks you which app do you want to start: my app or Google Now. How can I implement this?

我发现 它没有root运行一个实例。

I have found an example which runs without root.


添加以下<意向滤光器> 来要从姿态推出的活动:

Add the following <intent-filter> to the Activity you want launched from the gesture:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.ASSIST" />

    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" >


You will now see an option for your app when you make the swipe now, and will have to select it as the default handler by selecting Always, as shown below.