Android的MediaPlayer的投掷" prepare失败:状态=为0x1"在2.1,适用于2.2适用于、状态、QUOT、MediaPlayer

2023-09-12 09:37:36 作者:清酒

我已经真的敲我的头靠在桌子试图让MediaPlayer的类来尝试播放H.264-CN $ C $光盘上的视频的Andr​​oid 2.1。我的code是相当简单:

I've been really banging my head against the table trying to get the MediaPlayer class to try to play h.264-encoded videos on Android 2.1. My code is rather simple:

  AssetFileDescriptor fileDescriptor = getResources().openRawResourceFd(R.raw.my_movie);
  introMoviePlayer = new MediaPlayer();
  introMoviePlayer.setDataSource(fileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor(), fileDescriptor.getStartOffset(), fileDescriptor.getDeclaredLength());

这总是抛出一个异常,在 prepare(),用文字异常:prepare失败。 :状态=为0x1 。我用了一点信息 MediaPlayer.create()有一个URI,这也会引发在 prepare(),这实际上是调用 MediaPlayer.create(),与消息命令PLAYER_ prePARE完成,错误或信息PVMFErrResourceConfiguration

This always throws an exception at prepare(), with the text Prepare failed.: status=0x1. I got a bit more info by using MediaPlayer.create() with a URI, which also throws at prepare(), which is actually called by MediaPlayer.create(), with the message Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrResourceConfiguration.


The same code works perfectly in Froyo (2.2). The videos themselves play fine in the video player app. Does anyone have perhaps a helpful hint that might help to solve this problem?

修改:仍然无解 - 非常令人沮丧的问题确实。然而,我发现,通过创建一个 VideoView 和设置的URI的原始视频作品。这是很不解,因为通过的MediaPlayer类将抛出发送完全相同的URI。

Edit: Still no solution -- very frustrating problem indeed. However, I have found that by creating a VideoView and setting the URI for the raw video works. This is very puzzling, as sending the exact same URI through a MediaPlayer class will throw.



I do not know if this is your issue, but I just found a solution to the problem the described by Tuszy above. I could read the file I was creating from external storage but not from Cache.


The solution is that the read write permissions when writing the file are different.


Please see this excellent explanation in this blog I found. 2988
