
2023-09-12 09:32:33 作者:一声兄弟大过天〃


I use in my project a piece of code as described here


I create the .apk file, install it on my device and it correctly works. If I try to use the obfuscation with proguard the project fails, the method showHTML(String html) of MyJavaScriptInterface is not reached.


My proguard configuration regarding that

-keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface
-keep public class * implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface
-keepclassmembers class * implements com.mypackage.MyClass.MyJavaScriptInterface { 

根据这个这个答案Android ProGuard的Javascript的接口问题。

任何建议?提前致谢。 丹尼斯。

Any suggestion? Thanks in advance. Denis.



As Eric suggested, I changed the Proguard configuration file like this:

-keep public class com.mypackage.MyClass$MyJavaScriptInterface
-keep public class * implements com.mypackage.MyClass$MyJavaScriptInterface
-keepclassmembers class com.mypackage.MyClass$MyJavaScriptInterface { 

现在我的计划完美的作品。 谢谢你。

Now my project works perfectly. Thanks.

有关API 17+,你还需要preserve的@JavascriptInterface注释:

For API 17+ you also need to preserve the @JavascriptInterface annotations:

-keepattributes JavascriptInterface


如果MyJavaScriptInterface是一个内部类的MyClass,ProGuard的期望一个完全合格的名称 com.mypackage.MyClass $ MyJavaScriptInterface 。与 $ 的命名约定用于ProGuard的运行所需的编译的类文件。需要注意的是ProGuard的提到的类名,它不能找到在输入罐的结构中,这表明这些名称可能已被拼错。

If MyJavaScriptInterface is an inner class of MyClass, ProGuard expects a fully qualified name com.mypackage.MyClass$MyJavaScriptInterface. The naming convention with $ is used in the compiled class files on which ProGuard operates. Note that ProGuard mentions class names in the configuration that it can't find in the input jar, suggesting that these names may have been misspelled.