
2023-09-12 09:31:38 作者:無心快語

我想创建未显示任何内容将其设置为与OpenGL在Android的纹理视图的位图。 现在的问题是,当我创建位图的我的看法布局参数有值为0的事业onLayout()函数没有被调用呢。 有没有一种方法来模拟的布局还是做一个背景布置,以获得正确的布局PARAMS? 我在想有两个视图的框架布局,后台一会被用来创建我的位图的布局将已经完成。

I am trying to create a bitmap from a View that is not displayed yet to set it as a texture with OpenGL in android. The problem is that when I create my bitmap the layout parameters of my View have 0 value cause the onLayout() function has not been called yet. Is there a way to "simulate" a layout or do a "background layout" to get the right layout params ? I was thinking about a Frame layout having two views, the background one would be used to create my bitmap as the layout would have been done.




You indeed need to layout your View before drawing it into a Bitmap. Simply call myView.measure(...) then myView.layout(0, 0, myView.getMeasuredWidth(), myView.getMeasuredHeigh()). I have posted an example on how to do this in one of the following presentations: http://www.curious-creature.org/2010/12/02/android-graphics-animations-and-tips-tricks/