Android的 - 显示一个不确定的进度没有对话不确定、进度、Android

2023-09-12 09:09:18 作者:我一直在你身后i


I want to show my progressbar in the center of the screen when a processing happens on a button click. But I just want the progressbar without the dialog box..


Is there any way I can do this?


它完全解释在SDK里面ApiDemos。 所需的实例名为,可以在\ ApiDemos找到的\ src \ COM \例如\机器人\蜜蜂\查看\

It's explained in full in ApiDemos inside the SDK. The example that you want is named: and can be found in \ApiDemos\src\com\example\android\apis\view\


Also, if you want to remove the borders of the dialog so that only the progress bar appears you can define the dialog itself as a transparent view/overlay (it's explained in the examples as well).