Android的图像加载 - 排球VS毕加索毕加索、排球、图像、加载

2023-09-12 23:49:01 作者:你敢我就敢

我在找一个开源的图像加载/缓存解决方案。我期待到谷歌的凌空,的广场的毕加索和通用图像装载机。我希望能够从磁盘以及网络处理异步加载图像,但我不知道,如果从磁盘上谷歌的凌空抽射处理的负荷。排球是否允许从磁盘资源加载? 是我想要做的一个例子是可用AQuery。

I'm looking for an open source image loading/caching solution. I am looking in to Google's Volley, Square's Picasso, and Universal Image Loader. I want to be able to handle async image loads from disk as well as network, however I'm not sure if Google's volley handle's loading from disk. Does Volley allow resource loading from disk?? An example of what I would like to do is available with AQuery.



volley' Request class deal with all network requests. I can't found any class loading resource from disk..