添加的jar classpath中,Eclipse中,Android的classpath、jar、Android、Eclipse

2023-09-12 08:06:53 作者:眯着眼睛看世界◆

目前,我去属性 - >建设path​​->库 - >然后添加外部JAR到我的类路径中,我知道这是做这种正确的方法,对Java最少。然而,问题是我在Android SDK 2.1上运行它。当我运行程序,我不认为Android模拟器可以找到在类路径中.jar文件。这可能吗?如果是这样,哪个文件夹我把罐子把它们添加到我的类路径之前?

Currently, I go to properties-> build path-> libraries -> and then add external jars to my classpath, I know this is the correct way to do this, for java at least. However, the issue is I am running it on the Android SDK 2.1. When I run the program, I do not think the android emulator can "find" the .jars in the classpath. Is this possible? If so, which folder do I put the jars before adding them to my classpath?



You can try doing it in eclipse by

Right Click the jar --> Build Path --> Add to build path