
2023-09-12 07:34:48 作者:因为他要给她爱的人幸福

我想与大家分享的标题$ P $通过共享意图对填充从我的应用程序,Facebook上的照片。

I'd like to share a photo with caption pre-filled from my app via a share intent, on facebook.


Intent intent = new Intent();

intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "eample");
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, "example");
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "example");
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, imageUri);

Intent openInChooser = new Intent(intent);
openInChooser.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, extraIntents);


如果一组类型为image / *然后照片被上传没有文字prefilled。如果将其设置为纯文本/照片无法显示.....

If a set type to image/* then a photo is uploaded without the text prefilled. If a set it to text/plain photo is not display.....


最新的Facebook版本不允许您共享使用文本意图。你必须使用Facebook SDK来做到这一点 - 做出这么简单,使用Facebook SDK + Android的简单的Facebook(使用该库,你的code会是这样(从简单的Facebook网站中提取):

The newest Facebook versions doesn't allow you to share text using intents. You have to use the Facebook SDK to do it - to make that simple, use the Facebook SDK + Android Simple Facebook ( Using the library, your code would be like this (extracted from the Simple Facebook site):

设置 OnPublishListener ,并呼吁:

发布(饲料,OnPublishListener)无对话框。 发布(饲料,真实,OnPublishListener)与对话。 publish(Feed, OnPublishListener) without dialog. publish(Feed, true, OnPublishListener) with dialog. 的消息 - 用户的消息 名称 - 链接附件的名称 标题 - 链接的标题(显示的链接名称下) 说明 - 链接的描述(出现在链接标题下) 图片 - 附加到这个帖子的图片的URL。图片必须至少为200像素由200像素 链接 - 附加到这个帖子的链接 message - The message of the user name - The name of the link attachment caption - The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name) description - The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption) picture - The URL of a picture attached to this post. The picture must be at least 200px by 200px link - The link attached to this post


Initialize callback listener:

OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
        public void onComplete(String postId) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. The new post id = " + postId);

      * You can override other methods here: 
      * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)


Feed feed = new Feed.Builder()
    .setMessage("Clone it out...")
    .setName("Simple Facebook for Android")
    .setCaption("Code less, do the same.")
    .setDescription("The Simple Facebook library project makes the life much easier by coding less code for being able to login, publish feeds and open graph stories, invite friends and more.")


mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, onPublishListener);


mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, true, onPublishListener);