J2ME和Android手机VS iPhone VS塞班VS的Windows CE塞班、手机、J2ME、Android

2023-09-12 07:03:12 作者:暗弹相思泪


I have very little idea about mobile platforms, though I am interested to program for them.

请你比较 J2ME VS 的机器人 VS 的 iPhone VS 的塞班 VS 的的Windows CE

Would you please compare J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE.


在哪一个更好 在哪一个我应该选择?为什么 如果有任何VM技术测试程序 在没有任何IDE,调试工具?

就个人而言,我想$ C $下开源的,但是任何建议,欢迎。我对Java的preliminary知识。我也想知道,如果有其他任何你可以推荐。

Personally, I would like to code for open source, but any suggestions are welcome. I have preliminary knowledge on Java. I would also like to know, if there is anything else that you can recommend.



There's several of these questions floating around on SO already... the most popular seems to be this one: what mobile platform should I start learning?


Quicky from the accepted answer over there (I edited a bit):


I think 3-4 platform have a future. But depends what platform do you like and how you like freedom in distribute your applications :)

在Windows Mobile的 在C ++或.NET 免费发放,就像正常的应用程序或通过市场 您需要一台Windows PC开发 专有 Windows Mobile C++ or .NET free distribution, just like normal applications or through market You need a Windows PC to develop proprietary 的Java 在开源 通过安卓市场($ 25个一次性费用),或像正常的应用程序 在该平台是完全开源 的Objective-C或Java (开发iPhone使用Java应用程序) 通过iPhone市场(99 $ /年费) 您需要的Mac(Mac OS)中发展 专有 Objective-C or Java (Developing iPhone Applications using Java) through iPhone Market ($99/year fees) You need Mac (Mac OS) for development proprietary 在J2ME或JavaFX的 在很大程度上是开源

我个人的想法是:Symbian的死; Windows Mobile的会死,但需要很长的时间; Android将成为未来几年​​内的标准; iPhone将在未来几年保持时髦的,但不能执行是最大功臣; pre / WebOS的将保持一个利基市场,而不是疯狂sucessfull,黑莓会有所下降,但还是撒手人寰。我可能把我的时间/资金投入到Android或iPhone在这一点上。

My personal thoughts are: Symbian's dead; Windows Mobile will die, but take a long time; Android will become the standard in the next few years; iPhone will remain trendy in coming years, but NOT take be the biggest player; Pre/WebOS will maintain a niche market, but not be wildly sucessfull, Blackberry will decline, but still be around forever. I'd probably put my time/money into Android or iPhone at this point.