对于&QUOT Android的做法;年率我的申请表]我的、年率、申请表、做法

2023-09-12 22:34:42 作者:心茶


Is there a best practice approach to prompt Android users to rate your application? Considering they could acquire it from Amazon.com or Google Marketplace what is the best route to handle this in a way that allows users to vote?


有关谷歌市场,看看这个整洁的 code段。我敢肯定,你可以修改它推出了亚马逊的Appstore代替或补充。

For Google Marketplace, take a look at this neat code snippet. I'm sure you can modify it to launch the Amazon Appstore instead or in addition to.

编辑:貌似网站改变了他们的URL结构,所以我已经更新上面的链接,因此现在的作品。下面是一个旧的副本在 Wayback机器的情况下,他们的网站出现故障了。我的帖子的主要内容粘贴下面作为额外的备份,但你仍然可能想要访问的链接来阅读的意见,并得到任何更新。

Looks like the site changed their URL structure so I've updated the link above so it works now. Here is an old copy at the Wayback Machine in case their site goes down again. I will paste the main contents of the post below as an additional backup but you still might want to visit the link to read the comments and get any updates.

这code提示订婚用户率在Android Market您的应用程序(灵感来自于iOS的Appirater)。它需要应用程序的启动和天以来的安装一定数量显示评分对话框之前。

This code prompts engaged users to rate your app in the Android market (inspired by iOS Appirater). It requires a certain number of launches of the app and days since the installation before the rating dialog appears.


Adjust APP_TITLE and APP_PNAME to your needs. You should also tweak DAYS_UNTIL_PROMPT and LAUNCHES_UNTIL_PROMPT.

要测试它,并调整该对话框的外观,你可以从你的活动叫 AppRater.showRateDialog(本,空)。正常使用是调用 AppRater.app_launched(本)的活动每次调用时(例如从onCreate方法内)。如果所有条件都满足时,出现的对话框。

To test it and to tweak the dialog appearance, you can call AppRater.showRateDialog(this, null) from your Activity. Normal use is to invoke AppRater.app_launched(this) each time your activity is invoked (eg. from within the onCreate method). If all conditions are met, the dialog appears.

public class AppRater {
private final static String APP_TITLE = "YOUR-APP-NAME";
private final static String APP_PNAME = "YOUR-PACKAGE-NAME";

private final static int DAYS_UNTIL_PROMPT = 3;
private final static int LAUNCHES_UNTIL_PROMPT = 7;

public static void app_launched(Context mContext) {
    SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("apprater", 0);
    if (prefs.getBoolean("dontshowagain", false)) { return ; }

    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();

    // Increment launch counter
    long launch_count = prefs.getLong("launch_count", 0) + 1;
    editor.putLong("launch_count", launch_count);

    // Get date of first launch
    Long date_firstLaunch = prefs.getLong("date_firstlaunch", 0);
    if (date_firstLaunch == 0) {
        date_firstLaunch = System.currentTimeMillis();
        editor.putLong("date_firstlaunch", date_firstLaunch);

    // Wait at least n days before opening
    if (launch_count >= LAUNCHES_UNTIL_PROMPT) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= date_firstLaunch + 
                (DAYS_UNTIL_PROMPT * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
            showRateDialog(mContext, editor);


public static void showRateDialog(final Context mContext, final SharedPreferences.Editor editor) {
    final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(mContext);
    dialog.setTitle("Rate " + APP_TITLE);

    LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(mContext);

    TextView tv = new TextView(mContext);
    tv.setText("If you enjoy using " + APP_TITLE + ", please take a moment to rate it. Thanks for your support!");
    tv.setPadding(4, 0, 4, 10);

    Button b1 = new Button(mContext);
    b1.setText("Rate " + APP_TITLE);
    b1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            mContext.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + APP_PNAME)));

    Button b2 = new Button(mContext);
    b2.setText("Remind me later");
    b2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

    Button b3 = new Button(mContext);
    b3.setText("No, thanks");
    b3.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            if (editor != null) {
                editor.putBoolean("dontshowagain", true);
