开关的Andr​​oid x86的屏幕分辨率屏幕分辨率、Andr、oid

2023-09-12 06:51:30 作者:醉醉醉女λ

我想用Android的86 2.2作为我的Windows 7的模拟器我已经下载的VirtualBox和ISO,和我做了一个虚拟机,但我不能将分辨率设置为小320x480 或类似的东西。

I would like to use Android-x86 2.2 as an emulator on my Windows 7. I have downloaded VirtualBox and the ISO, and I've made a virtual machine with it, but I can't set the resolution to 320x480 or something similar.

下面的教程Using Android的86端口作为你的模拟器表明插入:

<ExtraDataItem name="CustomVideoMode2" value="320x480x16" />

我的 .vbox 文件,我做到了。然后,我添加 UVESA_MODE =小320x480 VGA =询问来引导配置。当它启动时,我不得不preSS 输入以查看可用的选项,但没有小320x480 其中。我怎样才能得到它的工作?

to my .vbox file and I did it. Then I added UVESA_MODE=320x480 and vga=ask to the boot config. When it boots, I have to press Enter to see the available options, but there is no 320x480 among them. How can I get it to work?



To change the Android-x86 screen resolution on VirtualBox you need to:


Add custom screen resolution:

VBoxManage setextradata "VM_NAME_HERE" "CustomVideoMode1" "320x480x16"

弄清楚什么是你的:视频模式的'hex'值: 2.1。启动虚拟机 2.2。在GRUB菜单中输入一个 2.3。在下一屏追加 VGA =询问和preSS 输入 2.4。寻找你的分辨率,并写下/记为模式hex'值

Figure out what is the ‘hex’-value for your VideoMode: 2.1. Start the VM 2.2. In GRUB menu enter a 2.3. In the next screen append vga=ask and press Enter 2.4. Find your resolution and write down/remember the 'hex'-value for Mode column

转换价值为十进制表示法(例如 360 十六进制是 864 十进制)。

Translate the value to decimal notation (for example 360 hex is 864 in decimal).

的menu.lst 并对其进行修改: 4.1。从GRUB菜单中选择调试模式 4.2。输入以下内容:

Go to menu.lst and modify it: 4.1. From the GRUB menu select Debug Mode 4.2. Input the following:

mount -o remount,rw /mnt  
cd /mnt/grub  
vi menu.lst

4.3。添加 VGA = 864 (如果你的'hex'-值 360 )。现在,应该是这样的:

4.3. Add vga=864 (if your ‘hex’-value is 360). Now it should look like this:

内核/android-2.3-RC1/kernel安静的根=的/ dev / RAM0 androidboot_hardware =的EeePC acpi_sleep = s3_bios,s3_mode DPI = 160 UVESA_MODE =小320x480 SRC = / Android的2.3-RC1 SD卡= /数据/ sdcard.img VGA = 864

kernel /android-2.3-RC1/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=eeepc acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode DPI=160 UVESA_MODE=320x480 SRC=/android-2.3-RC1 SDCARD=/data/sdcard.img vga=864




Unmount and reboot:

cd /
umount /mnt
reboot -f
