
2023-09-12 06:22:59 作者:$*虔沫

我有些不解使用SRC或背景的的ImageView 。我知道前者是指这个内容的ImageView ,后者是指的ImageView 的背景。但是,如何检测使用哪一个?我看不出差别。

I am a little puzzled with using src or background for an ImageView. I know the former means the content of this ImageView and the latter means the background of the ImageView. But how to detect which one to use? I don't see the difference.



All views can take a background image.

的src 的ImageView 有附加功能:

在不同的缩放类型 adjustViewBounds 设定界限,以匹配图像尺寸 在一些转换,如α-设置 different scaling types adjustViewBounds for setting bounds to match image dimensions some transformations such as alpha-setting


And more that you may find in the docs.