
2023-09-12 05:43:42 作者:時間壹晃而過


I'm struggling with the problem that the .onWindowFocusChanged() doesn't get called in my custom Activity class. My setup:


Two tabs (containing Activity_1 and Activity_2) in a TabHost, where the 2nd tab is selected by default:



In both Activities, I added the onWindowFocusChanged() override (because I need to preform calculations after the layout is done drawing):

public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus)

问题:当第2个选项卡默认选中,而我点击第一个选项卡中,onWindowFocusChanged()不会被调用内Activity_1(与第1选项卡关联)。 这两项活动延长正常活动类。

The problem: when the 2nd tab is selected by default, and I click the 1st tab, the onWindowFocusChanged() never gets called within Activity_1 (associated with the 1st tab). Both Activities extend the normal Activity class.

在如何解决这一问题的任何线索将大大AP preciated!

Any clue on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!


如果您需要等到特定的视图是画,然后进行计算,可以使用viewTreeObserver听布局的变化,让你的计算存在。 使用这样的:

If you need to wait until a specific View is draw and then make the calculations, you could use viewTreeObserver to listen the layout changes and make your calculations there. Use it like this:

ViewTreeObserver vto = mainLayout.getViewTreeObserver();
vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
    // remove the listener so it won't get called again if the view layout changes
    // add your calculations here


I hope this is what you want..