
2023-09-12 05:29:18 作者:回首处

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" />

    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Light" >
        android:label="@string/app_name" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


And the Lint-tool tells me that my activity isn't registered in the manifest and if I try to run it, LogCat kindly tells me:

了java.lang.RuntimeException:无法实例活动ComponentInfo {com.name/com.xyz.Main.MainActivity}:抛出java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.xyz.Main.MainActivity


This is driving me nuts, I've re-installed Eclipse as well as updated the SDK and stuff to API-level 17 and now I seem to be unable to execute my very own app. I've got absolutely no idea what the hell's wrong here, apparently the activity is perfectly well registered within the manifest.xml.



我已经得到了解决。今天,我觉得有足够的意志力再一次让我的手在这个项目上,并试图港项目到Linux分发(这导致我的结论是,Linux是在屁股的Andr​​oid developent疼痛),以及整合为线通过线,以一个新的Andr​​oid项目。

I've got the solution. Today I felt motivated enough get my hands on this project again and tried to port the project to a Linux-distribution (which led me to the conclusion that Linux is a pain in the ass for Android developent) as well as to integrate it "line by line" to a new Android project.


I used to implement String- & Integer-interfaces with certain constants and values (e.g. 0x00 for "visible"). Unfortunately, Android seems to have trouble with interfaces and activity-classes. Removing the interface and making static references onto the constants made the emulator get rid of the problem.

public class MyActivity extends Activity implements Options // [...]
Btn.setVisibility(VISIBLE); // bad idea

public class MyActivity extends Activity // [...]
Btn.setVisibility(Options.VISIBLE); // good idea


Hopefully this is gonna help at least someone searching for this issue.