
2023-09-12 04:48:53 作者:恭喜你终于卸掉了我这包袱


My application has one activity which starts two services but does not bind them. If I select return button to exit application (I cannot see it in task manager), both of the services started by application keep running. However, if I goto task manager and kill application, both of the services are stopped. I am not sure if it is intended behaviour but I want the services to keep running even after application exits. Any thoughts please.




That is the intended behavior of Task Managers (and force stop in ManageApplication). What good would stopping an application do if it left running the background work that the application was doing?

有没有办法让你prevent从股票版本的Andr​​oid OS

There is no way for you to prevent the user from killing your service on a stock version of Android OS