
2023-09-12 04:13:18 作者:°没心没肺才能活着不累

我在网上搜索,但没有运气:如何插件原生的Andr​​oid浏览器开发?无论是谷歌还是Android SDK中提供了有关此主题的信息。

I searched the web but no luck: how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed?! Neither Google nor the Android SDK give information about this topic.


我发现在Android源$ C ​​$ C插件的样品在开发/样本/ BrowserPlugin

I found a sample of a plugin in the Android source code under development/samples/BrowserPlugin.

所以我猜开发/样本/ BrowserPlugin / README 应该是一个良好的开端。

So I guess development/samples/BrowserPlugin/README should be a good start.