
2023-09-12 03:51:49 作者:叮当猫的百宝袋ヾ

我已经开发了一个Android窗口小部件,它是工作的罚款。我增加了一些额外的功能,并推出更新通过Android Market。现在人们都在抱怨,它不工作了。

I have developed an Android Widget, and it was working fine. I added some extra functionality and pushed an update through the Android Market. Now people are complaining that it doesn't work anymore.


The error I see in the logs is:

07-14 10:33:44.016: WARN/ActivityManager(78): Unable to launch app ... 
for broadcast Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_ENABLED 
cmp=... }: process is bad 
07-14 10:33:44.026: WARN/ActivityManager(78): finishReceiver called 
but none active 
07-14 10:33:44.026: WARN/ActivityManager(78): Unable to launch app ... 
for broadcast Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 
cmp=... (has extras) }: process is bad 
07-14 10:33:44.036: WARN/ActivityManager(78): finishReceiver called 
but none active 

我有搜索,但我找不到任何地方什么进程的严重错误是指,让我对如何解决它没有任何线索。 重新启动手机(或仿真器)使误差消失,但是,这不是我希望我的用户这样做。 可能有人请帮我解释一下这个错误的原因,以及如何解决它?

I have searched, but I cannot find anywhere what the process is bad error means, so I have no clue on how to fix it. Restarting the phone (or emulator) makes the error go away, however, that is not what I want my users to do. Could someone please help me to explain what the cause of the error is and how to fix it?



I am having the same problem and my current theory is that the appWidget crashed and when it was restarted it had the same bad persistent data that made it crash each time it was restarted. When this happens too often, the appWidget is "force stopped" by the OS. My band aid is to have a touch event that is "setOnClickPending" that the user will touch (out of frustration if necessary) and that will be processed internal to the appWidget and reset the appWidget.