
2023-09-12 21:59:52 作者:狗屁誓言

我做了一个 应用管理器 另类应用程序,我想补充翻译RTL(从右到左)的语言。

I've made an "app manager" alternative app, and I wish to add translation for RTL (right to left) languages.


Since I know that as of certain Android version, things got flipped to let words and sentences align correctly, I decided to first switch to such a language and then continue with the translation


After switching to an RTL language (Hebrew in my case), I've found out that the action bar's up button has the "<" image flipped horizontally:


So now it shows ">" instead.


How do I fix it? It doesn't make sense to see it this way...


那么,你可以访问动作条向上的启示,通过调用资源.getIdentifier View.findViewById 。之后,你可以旋转它。

Well, you can access that ActionBar "up" affordance by calling Resources.getIdentifier and View.findViewById. After that you could rotate it.

    final int upId = getResources().getIdentifier("up", "id", "android");
    final View up = findViewById(upId);
    // Call this to just rotate the icon 180°
    if (getResources().getConfiguration().getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) {