
2023-09-12 02:56:01 作者:从小就帅

我要补充血容量行动吧。 当用户点击这一行动应该把滑块内操作栏中选择权 卷 如何,我会做到这一点。

I want to add volume to action bar. When user clicks on that action it should place slider inside action bar for selecting right volume How would i do that


来处理最简单的方法是使用 ActionBar.setCustomView

The easiest way to handle this is to use ActionBar.setCustomView.


Here's an example that controls the media volume:


First, you'll need to create the custom layout that contains your SeekBar.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:layout_height="match_parent" >

        android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" />


现在实施 SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener 活动片段并宣布了几个变量:

Now implement SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener in your Activity or Fragmentand declare a couple of variables:

/** Used to actually adjust the volume */
private AudioManager mAudioManager;
/** Used to control the volume for a given stream type */
private SeekBar mVolumeControls;
/** True is the volume controls are showing, false otherwise */
private boolean mShowingControls;

的onCreate 或你选择,膨胀和自定义查看适用于动作条

In onCreate or wherever you choose to, inflate and apply the custom View to the ActionBar.

    // Control the media volume
    // Initialize the AudioManager
    mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

    // Inflate the custom ActionBar View
    final View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.view_action_bar_slider, null);
    mVolumeControls = (SeekBar) view.findViewById(android.R.id.progress);
    // Set the max range of the SeekBar to the max volume stream type
    // Bind the OnSeekBarChangeListener

    // Apply the custom View to the ActionBar
    getActionBar().setCustomView(view, new ActionBar.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT));

要切换的控件,当你的菜单项是pressed,调用 ActionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled 和不忘记更新搜索栏进度,你是在控制当前的音量。

To toggle the controls when your MenuItem is pressed, call ActionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled and don't forget to update the SeekBar progress to the current volume level you're controlling.

        // Toggle the custom View's visibility
        mShowingControls = !mShowingControls;
        // Set the progress to the current volume level of the stream

要控制音量流,在 OnSeekBarChangeListener.onProgressChanged 呼叫 AudioManager.setStreamVolume

To control the volume stream, in OnSeekBarChangeListener.onProgressChanged call AudioManager.setStreamVolume

public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
    // Adjust the volume for the given stream type
    mAudioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, progress, 0);

最后,在 OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStopTrackingTouch ,删除自定义的控件来显示动作条恢复正常。

And finally in OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStopTrackingTouch, remove the custom controls to display the ActionBar normally again.

    // Remove the SeekBar from the ActionBar
    mShowingControls = false;


Here's a picture of before and after you press the MenuItem.