
2023-09-12 02:34:37 作者:|。亼吶,虛偽


The last few days I've been doing great stuff in development, but I've seem to have hit a wall on something probably stupid simple. It's annoying. I was hoping I could get some help.



I'm trying to create the awesome transparent ActionBar animation effect from Google Music (as described by Cyril Mottier here)



I can't even get the actionbar to go into overlay / transparent mode.



I've got a library-oriented set-up in Eclipse. I've got a library project (let's call it master) that contains all the actual code and activities. Then I've got a project, that just plugs into the master library (let's call it slave). Lastly there's some open source support libraries that master uses (among others is ActionBarSherlock).

我想将此效果是在主库中的活动。它是在奴隶的清单声明为 com.example.master.DetailActivity ,那就像一个魅力。

The activity I'm trying to apply this effect to is in the master library. It is declared in slave's manifest as com.example.master.DetailActivity, and that works like a charm.


Also: The theme for the activity may come from several places. Either it's set by slave's manifest, or by master at runtime. Themes may come from the master OR the slave project.


感觉好像一切。我已经通过创建基于西里尔的文章自定义主题开始了。我确信,对每一个项目我有一个版本,有和没有机器人: preFIX按的杰克沃顿商学院的说明。

Feels like everything. I've started out by creating a custom theme based on Cyril's article. I made sure that for every item I've had a version with and without the android: prefix as per Jake Wharton's instructions.

我也试着在运行时用它设置 requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY);

I've also tried setting it at runtime using requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY);



Nothing. The theme applied succesfully (I can see the actionbar's colors change appropriately), but it NEVER goes into overlay mode, nor does it become transparent.

帮助将不胜AP preciated,并可能有助于其他的尝试这种效果。

Help would be greatly appreciated, and would probably be helpful to other's trying this effect.


下面是我的主题和风格。 codeS是有点乱,因为我一直在尝试与他们看到我要去哪里错了。 AppTheme 和 Theme.TranslucentActionBar.ActionBar.Overlay 双方将无法正常工作。 / RES /价值/

Here are my themes and styles. Codes are kinda messy because I've been experimenting with them to see where I was going wrong. AppTheme and Theme.TranslucentActionBar.ActionBar.Overlay both won't work. /res/values/

styles.xml 的themes.xml styles.xml themes.xml

/ RES /值-V11 /


styles.xml 的themes.xml styles.xml themes.xml

我测试安装,以及一个模拟器2.3.3一台Nexus 4 4.2.2。

I'm testing on a Nexus 4 with 4.2.2 installed as well as a 2.3.3 emulator.



OK, so apparently, with my set-up, you can't do it using themes.


I ended it up doing it, globally like this.

getSupportActionBar().setBackgroundDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.color)); // This is #212121 solid color for the dark action bar.

该行有s $ P $垫出了我的code,但是这是它的要点。的顺序是很重要的。

The lines are spread out over my code, but this is the gist of it. The order is important.


I also found out that sliding menu seemed to be blocking the overlay mode. I had to remove the instance for it to work. I'm still looking for a way to enable both overlay mode and the sliding menu.