
2023-09-12 21:51:28 作者:三寸海屿日光


Is there a way to change the background color of the tab bar in the ActionBar without changing it in the one line version?


To clarify what I want: In portrait mode the ActionBar is split in two lines, the ActionBar itself and the tabs below. In landscape mode the tabs are in the actual ActionBar.


I want to change the background color of the portrait mode. If I change the background in the TabView it'll be changed for both modes. Do I have to create separate styles for those? Which brings up a second question: is there a way to know when it'll be two lines and when not?


Or am I just missing something?


I'm using ActionBarSherlock btw


我认为你正在寻找的安卓backgroundStacked 的动作条的风格属性:

I think you are looking for the android:backgroundStacked attribute of the ActionBar style:

<style name="MyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBarStyle</item>

<style name="MyActionBarStyle" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar.Solid">
    <item name="android:backgroundStacked">@drawable/my_stacked_background</item>


or (If using ActionBarSherlock):

<style name="MyTheme" parent="@style/Theme.Sherlock.Light">
    <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBarStyle</item>
    <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBarStyle</item>

<style name="MyActionBarStyle" parent="@style/Widget.Sherlock.Light.ActionBar.Solid">
    <item name="android:backgroundStacked">@drawable/my_stacked_background</item>
    <item name="backgroundStacked">@drawable/my_stacked_background</item>