
2023-09-12 01:57:18 作者:微笑掩饰内心的伤

Android 4.4系统的推出了基于主机卡仿真(HCE)。如你所知,所有的NFC卡配备了一个固定的卡ID( NfcAdapter.EXTRA_ID )。

Android 4.4 introduced Host-based Card Emulation (HCE). As you know, all NFC cards come with a fixed card ID (NfcAdapter.EXTRA_ID).


My office door access usually detects the NFC card ID for the authorization. After flashing my phone to KitKat, I tried to scan my phone with the access reader. But whenever the screen turns off and on again, I get a different card ID.


I did try keeping the phone screen on, and registering the emulated card ID to the door access system. It managed to grant the access to open the door. But this won't work after the screen turns off and on again.


Ever since KitKat introduced HCE mode, I have been trying to emulate my door access card using my phone.


Any ideas for making the phone emulated card ID fixed?



This is (at least with the official API) not possible:

在交换HCE设备将present它的UID的第一部分; HCE设备应当被假定为具有随机的UID。这意味着,在每一个抽头,该UID是psented向读者将是一个随机产生的UID $ P $。正因为如此,NFC读取器不应该依赖于HCE设备的UID作为认证或识别的一种形式。

In the first part of the exchange the HCE device will present its UID; HCE devices should be assumed to have a random UID. This means that on every tap, the UID that is presented to the reader will be a randomly generated UID. Because of this, NFC readers should not depend on the UID of HCE devices as a form of authentication or identification.

