显示标签栏和listIn动作条在同一时间。 (安卓蜂巢)蜂巢、动作、标签、时间

2023-09-12 21:45:07 作者:四句情话i


There is a situation in which I want to use Tab bar as well as List navigation, Both at same time in Action bar.


Documentation says 'we can put Actionbar in to list navigation mode or tabs navigation mode'.


Is there any way to use both at same time. Any pointers, help. Thank you in Advance.



Sorry, you can only have one or the other.

话虽这么说,你可以使用安卓actionLayout 来一个选项菜单项转换为操作栏中的自定义充气布局。你也许可以使用标签导航模式,而把自己的微调的标签这样的权利。就个人而言,我会觉得迷惑作为一个用户,但也许它会为你的使用情况。

That being said, you can use android:actionLayout to convert an options menu item into a custom inflated layout in the action bar. You might be able to use the "tabs navigation mode" while putting your own Spinner to the right of the tabs this way. Personally, I would find this confusing as a user, but perhaps it will work for your use case.