
2023-09-12 01:31:05 作者:你算哪块草莓夹心小饼干


I am currently trying to use a ListView inside of a ScrollView. I know from what I've read that this is looked down upon, but I'm trying to get the ListView to expand completely by showing all of its rows so there is no need for it to scroll. I've been struggling, however, with how to tell the ListView to completely expand to show all of its rows since it needs a defined height. Does anyone know of a way to calculate the height of a fully expanded ListView before it is drawn?

这个问题主要源于你不能把一个滚动视图中的另一个滚动视图里面的事实。我没关系的事实,ListView控件不能作为长期滚动,我可以把它展开显示所有的行。 ,我不能这样做,但没有能够给它一个定义的高度,这看来我需要计算。

This problem mainly stems from the fact that you can't put a scrollable view inside of another scrollable view. I am okay with the fact that the ListView won't be able to scroll as long as I can make it expand to show all of its rows. I cannot do this, however, without being able to give it a defined height, which it seems I would need to calculate.


See the url below for a sketch (I'm a new user so I'm not allowed to post one). It shows that my full layout is too big for the "physical" screen and needs to scroll in order to show the rest of the list and buttons at the bottom. I'm trying to get across that the "virtual" screen is too big to fit on one screen even without the ListView there.




Well, thanks to Rudy, his suggestions was very helpful. Here is how it can be implemented.


1) Create a new class that extends ListView:

package com.example.android.views;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.ListView;

public class ExpandedListView extends ListView {

    private android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams params;
    private int old_count = 0;

    public ExpandedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        if (getCount() != old_count) {
            old_count = getCount();
            params = getLayoutParams();
            params.height = getCount() * (old_count > 0 ? getChildAt(0).getHeight() : 0);




2) ... and finally add the new view to your xml layout file:
