
2023-09-12 00:59:33 作者:聋子听见哑巴说瞎子看见爱

一节避免枚举如果你只需要整型从官方开发者文档中删除。 (见为什么没有Android的使用更加枚举?,在老款内容)

The section "Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints" was removed from the official developer documentation. (See Why doesn't Android use more enums? for the old section content)


Why? Was there a change in the Android VM that made the tip obsolete?



The 2011 answer from Elliot Hugues said that the original reason to avoid enum was for performance reason... as in "processing performance". As this reason was not backed by fact, it was removed from the official documentation.


It has been added later on because enums add a lot more data in memory than using integer.