
2023-09-12 00:52:10 作者:Haprn°


I need to create a small text area.Within that text area when i double click,it will move to next activity.How could i do this?



public class MyView extends View {

    GestureDetector gestureDetector;

    public MyView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        // creating new gesture detector
        gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new GestureListener());

    // skipping measure calculation and drawing

    // delegate the event to the gesture detector
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
        return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(e);

    private class GestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {

        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
            return true;
        // event when double tap occurs
        public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
            float x = e.getX();
            float y = e.getY();

            Log.d("Double Tap", "Tapped at: (" + x + "," + y + ")");

            return true;