
2023-09-12 00:47:47 作者:我的帅气谁都别想拥有


I've tried this....

DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
int fullscreenheight = metrics.heightPixels;
int fullscreenwidth = metrics.widthPixels;


Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;


The Gnex has a display of 720×1280. The returned result for width/height (depending on orientation of course) is never 1280. I thought this might have something to do with the on screen navigation bar in Ice Cream Sandwich, so I hide that with :



...and then started a thread which continuously logs the screen size height/width. Even after the ICS navigation bar was completely gone....the screen size would never report the 1280 value. I would get numbers like this:

width  = 720
height = 1184


How do you get the true device screen resolution in ICS?


The reason why I need this value is because my app plays video and I would like for the video to take up the entire screen when the device is in landscape orientation. Now I know what you're thinking, why not just give the videoview a value of "match_parent" for the height/width? The reason is because my videos have multiple aspect ratios and I'd like to be able to calculate the correct video size depending on the entire width of the screen.


我发现这个宝藏的ICS ONLY ......如果您定位的API高于ICS见注释通过以下克里斯Schmich。

I found this hidden treasure for ICS ONLY......if you're targeting API's higher than ICS see the comment by Chris Schmich below.

如何隐藏和显示在导航栏上的Andr​​oid ICS建立


In case the link's how to get the actual device screen size.....

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();     
Method mGetRawH = Display.class.getMethod("getRawHeight");
Method mGetRawW = Display.class.getMethod("getRawWidth");
int rawWidth = (Integer) mGetRawW.invoke(display);
int rawHeight = (Integer) mGetRawH.invoke(display);


EDIT (11/19/12)

以上code将无法工作在Android 4.2和一个异常将被抛出....我还没有找到一种方式来获得设备的全屏幕大小的Andr​​oid 4.2。当我这样做,我会编辑这个答案,但现在,你应该code与应变为Android 4.2 !!

The above code WILL NOT WORK on Android 4.2 and an exception will be thrown....I have yet to find a way to get the full screen size of a device in Android 4.2. When I do, I will edit this answer, but for now, you should code with contingency for android 4.2!!