如何在模拟器上安装Android Market的应用程序?应用程序、器上、如何在、Android

2023-09-11 20:28:17 作者:晚来已走


I am not able to access android market through emulator.


我有Android Market的工作在模拟器使用OS 10.6.6平台2.3:

I got Android Market to work on Emulator for Platform 2.3 using OS 10.6.6:

在你的Mac首先下载并安装模拟器。 启动模拟器并创建一个AVD。我创建了一个名为 VD1 。 关闭 VD1

First download and setup emulator on your mac. Launch emulator and create an AVD. I created one called vd1. Close vd1.


Launch Terminal in Utilities and enable the Finder to show hidden system files and folders by executing following commands:

lsy$ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
lsy$ killall Finder

下载 system.img http://www.mediafire.com/?s8eeph3r71ho1lz


Copy system.img to two locations:



Launch emulator from Terminal

lsy$ cd android\tools
lsy$ ./emulator -avd [vd1] -partition-size 100