
2023-09-11 20:24:41 作者:各种姿势各种嗨


I am developing an application in which I need to use maps offline. I'm using osmdroid and osmbonuspack


To download the maps I've tried:

MobileAtlasCreator 但Mapnik的映射锁定。 osmdroid-打包。它的工作原理,但只下载9我放大 MobileAtlasCreator but Mapnik maps are locked. osmdroid-packager. It works, but only download 9 me to zoom


For me the ideal would be to download the maps from the application itself, and I just want to download the maps you are on a track, not a complete section.



Is there any way to download maps from the phone through my application?


正与解决方案 MobileAtlasCreator / MOBAC :

有一个 osmdroid文档,但它是非常薄弱的​​,有时过时。

There is an osmdroid documentation, but it is very weak, and sometimes outdated.

我挣扎在连续的问题时。下面是与osmdroid V4.1一个有效的解决方案的详细信息。

I struggled for a while on successive issues. Here are the details of a working solution with osmdroid v4.1.


1) When building your offline map with MOBAC:

作为Mapnik的地图都有效地锁定,选择OpenStreetMap的Mapquest服务作为源。 阿特拉斯格式:选择Osmdroid ZIP 小心勾选所有缩放级别,您将需要。默认情况下,没有被选中。


Select your area, create your "atlas". This produces a zip file.

上传zip文件您的设备上,在/ SD卡/ osmdroid / (根据设备的确切路径可能会有所不同。如果你已经使用osmdroid,该目录必须已经存在)

Upload the zip file on your device, in /sdcard/osmdroid/ (exact path may vary depending on the device. If you already used osmdroid, this directory MUST already exist)


The file name doesn't matter. The extension MUST be ".zip"


2) Now, in your osmdroid application, your onCreate method should be something like this:

@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
    map.setTileSource(new XYTileSource("MapQuest",
        ResourceProxy.string.mapquest_osm, 0, 18, 256, ".jpg", new String[] {
    map.setUseDataConnection(false); //optional, but a good way to prevent loading from the network and test your zip loading. 
    IMapController mapController = map.getController();
    mapController.setZoom(_A ZOOM LEVEL YOU HAVE IN YOUR ZIP_);
    GeoPoint startPoint = new GeoPoint(_POSITION SOMEWHERE INSIDE YOUR MAP_);


In this code, 2 parameters values are VERY important:


"MapQuest" name (with this EXACT spelling) is MANDATORY => this is used as an internal path inside the zip file. If you open your zip file, you will see that MOBAC created this "MapQuest" directory.


".jpg" extension is also MANDATORY => as MOBAC creates MapQuest tiles in the zip with .jpg extension (important to notice, as standard tile sources in osmdroid are all using ".png" extension).

目前这个阶段,应该没问题 - 只要你是真正为定位于一个领域是你图谱的一部分的MapView(缩放级别和放大器;位置)。

At this stage, it should be OK - as long as you are really positionning the mapview on an area which is part of your atlas (zoom level & position).

3)返回MOBAC ...您还可以选择下面的图集格式:Osmdroid SQLite的或MBTiles SQLite的。 Transfert设备上的文件(Layer.sqlite或Layer.mbtiles)中/ SD卡/ osmdroid /

3) Back to MOBAC... You can also choose the following Atlas formats: "Osmdroid SQLite" or "MBTiles SQLite". Transfert the file (Layer.sqlite or Layer.mbtiles) on the device in /sdcard/osmdroid/


Again, in your XYTileSource constructor, the extension MUST be ".jpg". The name doesn't matter.


4)选择Osmdroid GEMF的格式将无法工作:这是一个已知的bug 在GEMF在处理JPG瓷砖。 编辑>在MOBAC,您可以使用自定义瓦块处理功能,JPG砖转换成PNG格式。那么,Osmdroid GEMF都会好的。

4) Choosing "Osmdroid GEMF" format will not work: it's a known bug in GEMF on handling of jpg tiles. EDIT > In MOBAC, you can use the "custom tile processing" feature to convert JPG tiles to PNG format. Then "Osmdroid GEMF" will be ok.