
2023-09-12 00:11:46 作者:蚊子吃西瓜


This has been driving me nuts for a while now.

有什么办法可靠地检测,如果home键一直pssed在Android应用程序$ P $?

Is there any way of reliably detecting if the home button has been pressed in an android application?


Failing that, is there a robust way of telling what caused an activity to go into onPause? i.e Can we detect if it was caused by a new activity launching or by pressing back/home.

我看到一个建议是重写的onPause(),并调用isFinishing(),但是当pressing home键只是因为它会如果一个新的活动已经开始这样失败的区分两者,这将返回false

One suggestion I have seen is to override onPause() and call isFinishing() but this will return false when pressing the home button just as it would if a new activity is starting so this fails to distinguish between the two.

任何帮助非常AP preciated。

Any help much appreciated.

**更新**: 感谢@ Android的渴望此链接: http://nisha113a5.blogspot.com/

** Update** : Thanks to @android-hungry for this link: http://nisha113a5.blogspot.com/


Overiding the following method:

public void onAttachedToWindow() {


Then the following event WILL get fired for home button presses:

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {     

    if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME)
       //The Code Want to Perform. 


I'm not sure if there are any side effects with this line:



So it would seem that contrary to popular belief, you can in fact listen out for the home key. Worryingly, you can return false and have the home key do nothing.

更新的: 正如预期的那样,有一些副作用影响这一点 - 它似乎嵌入视频和谷歌地图不启用该模式中可见

Update: As expected, there are some side affects with this - it seems that embedded videos and google maps are not visible with this mode enabled.

更新的: 据说这个黑客无法再正常工作为Android 4.0的起的。

Update: Supposedly this hack no longer works as of Android 4.0 onwards



Have you gone through this?: detect [home] button press


I am not the author , but came across it recently


****编辑**** 此不再起作用为4.0。在这篇文章的最后注释: groups.google.com/forum/ #!话题/ Android的开发者/ trRI99-HszQ 的

****EDIT**** This no longer works as of 4.0. The last comment on this post: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-developers/trRI99-HszQ