
2023-09-11 11:54:43 作者:’一个人”


Is it possible to export data from DynamoDB table in some format?


The concrete use case is that I want to export data from my production dynamodb database and import that data into my local dynamodb instance so my application can work with local copy of data instead of production data.


I use link as a local instance of DynamoDB.


有一个名为工具 DynamoDBtoCSV


that can be used for export all the data to a CSV file. However, for the other way around you will have to build your own tool. My suggestion is that you add this functionality to the tool, and contribuite it to the Git repository.

另一种方式是使用AWS数据管道这个任务(您将节省从AWS infraestructure之外读取数据的所有费用)。该方法是相似的:

Another way is use AWS Data Pipeline for this task (you will save all the costs of reading the data from outside AWS infraestructure). The approach is similar:

生成管道输出 下载文件。 与自定义读者解析它。