春季云 - SQS春季、SQS

2023-09-11 11:39:05 作者:滥情废物


I'm trying to get a simple queue handler working with the Spring Cloud framework. I've successfully got the message handler polling the queue, However. The problem I'm seeing is that when I post a message to the queue, my handler is failing to unmarshall the payload in to the required java Object.

public void handleCreateListingMessage(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, MyMessage message) {
    //do something with the MyMessage object


The error I'm getting is

No converter found to convert to class MyMessage


As I understand it, the @MessageMapping should use Jackson to unmarshall my JSON payload into a MyMessage object. However its complaining that it cannot find a converter.



I'm using the 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT version of Spring Cloud.


杰克逊只有当的contentType 头设置值,使用应用程序/ JSON 的SQS消息。否则,转换器不知道是什么类型的内容被包含在消息的有效载荷和右转换器不能选择

Jackson is only used if a contentType header is set with value application/json on the SQS message. Otherwise the converters do not know what type of content is contained in the message's payload and the right converter cannot be chosen.

如果您使用 QueueMessagingTemplate#convertAndSend 作为reference应用,在的contentType 头将被自动设置。

If you use QueueMessagingTemplate#convertAndSend as in the reference application, the contentType header will automatically be set.
