
2023-09-11 11:12:56 作者:剑啸九天

亚马逊红移提供了使用复制命令S3对象加载表格数据的能力。是他们的一种方法,使用copy命令,还设置额外的COL =常数为每个插入行。

Amazon Redshift provides the ability to load table data from s3 objects using the "Copy" command. Is their a way to use the copy command, but also set additional "col=CONSTANT" for each inserted row.


I want to set a job_id (which is not in the source data) on each copied row, and I think it would be a shame to have to execute a few million inserts just so each row has a job attribute, when "copy" gets me 99% of the way there with much better performance.


Maybe there is a more clever solution?



If you want all your rows added in a single COPY command to have the same value of job_id, then you may COPY data into staging table, then add job_id column into that table, then insert all data from the staging table into final table like:

CREATE TABLE destination_staging (LIKE destination);
ALTER TABLE destination_staging DROP COLUMN job_id;
COPY destination_staging FROM 's3://data/destination/(...)' (...)
ALTER TABLE destination_staging ADD COLUM job_id INT DEFAULT 42;
INSERT INTO destination SELECT * FROM destination_staging ORDER BY sortkey_column;
DROP TABLE destination_staging;
ANALYZE TABLE destination;
VACUUM destination;


ANALYZE and VACUUM are not necessary, but highly recommended in order to update query analyzer and put all new data into correct positions.