
2023-09-11 11:11:19 作者:青春励志的,励志奋斗的

在Android的SDK文档,所有与@可绘制/ my_image XML语法使用的例子直接针对存储在res /目录绘制在我的项目图片。

In the Android SDK documentation, all of the examples used with the @drawable/my_image xml syntax directly address images that are stored in the res/drawable directory in my project.


I am wondering if it is explicitly not okay to create a sub directory within the drawable directory.


For example, if I had the following directory layout:

-- sandwiches
  -- tunaOnRye.png
  -- hamAndSwiss.png
-- drinks
  -- coldOne.png
  -- hotTea.png

我可以引用一个金枪鱼沙拉三明治的图像作为@可绘制/三明治/ tunaOnRye

Could I reference the image of a tuna salad sandwich as @drawable/sandwiches/tunaOnRye


Or do I have to keep the hierarchy flat in the drawable directory.


没有,资源机制不支持子文件夹中的绘制目录,所以是 - 你需要保持该层次结构扁平

No, the resources mechanism doesn't support subfolders in the drawable directory, so yes - you need to keep that hierarchy flat.


The directory layout you showed would result in none of the images being available.

这是我自己的实验似乎有其内的所有项目的子文件夹,在水库内/绘制文件夹,就会造成资源编译器失败 - $ P $数据的正确生成pventing的 R.java 文件。

From my own experiments it seems that having a subfolder with any items in it, within the res/drawable folder, will cause the resource compiler to fail -- preventing the R.java file from being generated correctly.