AWS EFS VS EBS VS S3(差异和放大器;当使用?)放大器、差异、EFS、AWS

2023-09-11 10:22:02 作者:暴富少女

根据这个问题的标题,什么是AWS EFS,EBS和S3之间的实际差异?

As per the title of this question, what are the practical differences between AWS EFS, EBS and S3?


S3是一个储存设施可以访问任何地方 在EBS是一个设备可以安装到EC2 EFS是一种文件系统,你可以安装到EC2


So why would I use EBS over EFS? Seem like they have the same use cases but minor semantic differences? Although EFS is replicated across AZs where as EBS is just a mounted device. I guess my understanding of EBS is lacking hence I'm unable to distinguish.

为什么选择S3过EFS?他们都存储文件,规模和复制。我想用S3您必须使用SDK的与EFS是一个文件系统,您可以从您选择的编程语言,你的标准I / O的方法来创建文件。但是,这是唯一的真正区别是什么?

Why choose S3 over EFS? They both store files, scale and are replicated. I guess with S3 you have to use the SDK where as with EFS being a file system you can you standard I/O methods from your programming language of choice to create files. But is that the only real difference?



One word answer: MONEY :D

1 GB存储: (更新于2015年9月17日)

1 GB to store: (Updated at 2015.09.17)

冰川:$ 0.007 /月 S3:$为0.03 /月 S3-IA(以2015.09发布):$ 0.0125 /月(+ $ 0.01°/演出检索费) 在EBS:$ 0.05-0.1 /月(取决于速度 - SSD或没有)+ IOPS成本 EFS:$ 0.3 /月


The costs above are just samples. There can be differences by region, and it can change at any point. Also there are extra costs for data transfer (out to the internet). However they show a ratio between the prices of the services.


There are a lot more differences between these services:


不可用的时刻(preVIEW在美国西2 [俄勒冈]可用)。 在网络文件系统(这意味着它可能有更大的延迟,但它可以跨多个实例共享,甚至地区之间) 这比EBS(〜10倍以上),是昂贵的,但它提供了额外的功能。 这是一个高度可用的服务。 这是一个托管服务 您需要一个EC2实例将其附加到


在块存储(所以你需要对其进行格式化)。这意味着您可以选择哪种类型的你想要的文件系统。 因为它是一个块存储,您可以用RAID 1(或0或10)多块存储器 这是非常快 这是比较便宜 在与亚马逊的新通告,可以存储多达每个存储16TB数据SSD-S。 您可以快照的EBS(虽然它仍在运行)进行备份的原因 但它只存在于某一特定区域。虽然你可以把它迁移到另一个地区,你不能访问它跨区域(仅当您通过EC2分享,但是这意味着你有一个文件服务器) 您需要一个EC2实例将其附加到


在对象存储(而不是文件系统)。 您可以存储文件和文件夹,但不能有锁,权限等就像你使用传统的文件系统 这意味着,在默认情况下,你不能只是安装S3和使用它作为您的网络服务器 但它非常适合存储您的图片和视频为您的网站 大短期存档(如几周)。这是很好的长期归档太多,但冰川是更具成本效益。 大存储日志 您可以从各个地区访问数据(需要支付额外费用可申请) Higly可用,冗余。基本上,数据丢失是不可能的(99.999999999%的耐用性,99.9的正常运行时间SLA) 远远高于EBS便宜。 您可以直接服务于内容到互联网,你甚至可以有一个完整的(静态)网站工作直接从S3,没有一个EC2实例 An object store (not a file system). You can store files and "folders" but can't have locks, permissions etc like you would with a traditional file system This means, by default you can't just mount S3 and use it as your webserver But it's perfect for storing your images and videos for your website Great for short term archiving (e.g. a few weeks). It's good for long term archiving too, but Glacier is more cost efficient. Great for storing logs You can access the data from every region (extra costs may apply) Higly Available, Redundant. Basically data loss is not possible (99.999999999% durability, 99.9 uptime SLA) Much cheaper than EBS. You can serve the content directly to the internet, you can even have a full (static) website working direct from S3, without an EC2 instance


在长期归档存储 在极其便宜 需要长达4个小时回读数据(所以只有存储项目,你知道你将不需要检索很长一段时间)

来源:AWS存储更新 - 新的更低的成本S3存储选项和放大器;冰川降价