
2023-09-11 10:14:04 作者:一生嚣张不服输

我pssed与亚马逊的EC2和EBS服务相当IM $ P $。我想知道是否有可能增加一个EBS卷。

I'm quite impressed with Amazon's EC2 and EBS services. I wanted to know if it is possible to grow an EBS Volume.

例如:如果我有一个50 GB的容量,我开始运行的空间,我可以碰到它高达100 GB的需要时

For example: If I have a 50 GB volume and I start to run out of space, can I bump it up to 100 GB when required?


所有伟大的建议,我想我要补充本文中,我发现,这关系到扩大使用亚马逊的Web UI工具在Windows的Amazon EC2 EBS实例进行必要的修改。如果你不喜欢使用命令行,这会让你的升级更容易。

All great recommendations, and I thought I'd add this article I found, which relates to expanding a Windows Amazon EC2 EBS instance using the Amazon Web UI tools to perform the necessary changes. If you're not comfortable using CLI, this will make your upgrade much easier.



Thanks to TekGoblin for posting this article.