如何存储指针,指向亚马逊的SimpleDB S3对象?亚马逊、指针、对象、SimpleDB

2023-09-11 09:54:28 作者:她乡的春季。


I'm trying to figure out how to store a database consisting of metadata in Amazon SimpleDB, with the actual content the metadata refers to (videos) in S3. As I understand it, I should place a pointer in SimpleDB that refers to the videos in S3. What is this pointer, exactly? Is it the URL of the video located in S3?


Also, are there any code samples that would pertain to this?



您说得对,只要输入上SimpleDB的网址就大功告成了。 什么,你正在试图做的是尖的为用例: HTTP://aws.amazon。 COM / EN / SimpleDB的/ usecases_metadata_indexing /

You're right, just enter the url on simpleDB and you're done. What you're trying to do is pointed as an use case: http://aws.amazon.com/en/simpledb/usecases_metadata_indexing/

纵观在code库,你可以通过S3或SimpleDB的过滤器,你会发现喜欢的 SimpleDB的PHP示例程序设置和的旅行日志 - 样品的Java Web应用程序

Taking a look at the code library, you can filter by S3 or SimpleDB and you'll find examples like SimpleDB PHP Sample Program Set and Travel Log - Sample Java Web Application.
