难道我的亚马逊EC 2上运行Linux的亚马逊或Ubuntu?亚马逊、我的、EC、Linux

2023-09-11 23:48:28 作者:半顆糖、也甜入心

我有点糊涂了这里。我创建了一个Amazon EC2实例在Ubuntu Linux 64位12.04 LTS,现在当我SSH到它,我得到以下

I am a little confused here. I created a Amazon EC2 instance with Ubuntu Linux 64-bit 12.04 LTS, now when I SSH into it I get the following


but on Amazon Management console I get the following




This is definitely Amazon Linux (CentOS based), not Ubuntu. Another hint is that the default username in Amazon Linux is usually "ec2-user" while in Ubuntu it is "ubuntu" (at least if you use the default stock AMI). I don't know how it can be different from what you selected when you created it, but I guess it's either a human error or a weird bug.


Edit: For the record, the problem was that he was using an old EBS volume (which had Amazon AMI) as root volume.