
2023-09-11 09:28:44 作者:叶落若相随


I was trying to setup Elastic cache (memcached engine) & use in my .NET application through a memcache c# client API "Enyim".

我是新来的AWS和面临的一些问题。我有几个问题: -

I'm new to AWS and facing some problems. I have few questions :-


Question 1 : Can I access my cache cluster nodes from my local machine ?

第二个问题:什么是建立完整的AWS弹性缓存实例的过程。正确 我,如果我错了: -

Question 2 : What is the process of setting up complete AWS Elastic cache instance. Correct me if i'm wrong :-

设置VPC(默认) 安装在EC2安全组(默认) 设置缓存集群与同一VPC。 现在,我怎么能使用同样的缓存集群?

Setup VPC (by default) Setup a security group in EC2 (by default) Setup cache cluster as with same VPC. Now how can i use this same cache cluster ?


I have setup the memcache engine on local & the same code through Enyim was running but i was not able to run same (get/set) code for the Elasticache node instances.



As far as Question #1, I am certain when using the redis flavor of elastic cache you cannot (according to aws never will be able) to access the cache from anywhere except within AWS.


For debugging purposes it would be nice to be able to, but in production mode, accessing the cache from outside aws would introduce sufficient latency to defeat any benefit you might get from using the cache in the first place.