
2023-09-11 09:27:53 作者:〃男人在花终要成家

这是一个奇怪的问题,但只能用奇怪的行为我看到相称。我的应用程序的Rails 3 /回形针/ S3。

This is an odd question, but only commensurate with the strange behavior I'm seeing. My app is Rails 3/Paperclip/S3.


所有图像都上传不论其称号。 当上传一个.pdf或.doc,如果标题有一个像my_doc.pdf没有空格,它上传罚款。 当上传一个PDF或.doc与空间,如我的Doc.pdf,失败了,无论是与误差水管坏或文件默默未能上载到S3。 当上传一个PDF或.doc与数字,如mydoc20.pdf,它还上面的失败。 All images are uploading regardless of their title. When uploading a .pdf or .doc, if the title has no spaces like my_doc.pdf, it uploads fine. When uploading a .pdf or .doc with spaces, such as My Doc.pdf, it fails, either with error broken pipe or by the file silently failing to upload to S3. When uploading a .pdf or .doc with numbers, such as mydoc20.pdf, it also fails as above.


I imagine there are two possible solutions to this problem.

直接修复水管坏错误(preferred法)。 自动重命名每一个上传的文件,删除空格和数字之前,它被保存到S3 - 而在源不固定的话,我想这将减轻这一问题 Fix the broken pipe error directly (preferred method). Automatically rename every uploaded file to remove spaces and numbers before it is saved to S3 - while not fixing it at the source, I imagine this would allay the issue.

我将不胜AP preciate任何帮助,您可以给我固定在1和/或2。

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me in fixing 1 and/or 2.

# Upload.rb model
class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attached_file :document,
    :storage => :s3,
    :s3_credentials => "#{::Rails.root.to_s}/config/s3.yml",
    :path => "/docs/:style/:id/:basename.:extension"
  has_attached_file :photo,
    :styles => {:medium => "200x300>", :thumb => "100x150>" },
    :storage => :s3,
    :s3_credentials => "#{::Rails.root.to_s}/config/s3.yml",
    :path => "/photos/:style/:id/:basename.:extension"

# s3.yml
  bucket: dev_bucket_name
  access_key_id: dev_acc_key
  secret_access_key: dev_sec_key
  bucket: my_production_bucket
  access_key_id: my_access_key_id
  secret_access_key: my_secret_key

# environment.rb is empty with regard to uploading.

# uploads_controller.rb
def edit
  @candidate = Candidate.find(current_user.user_type_id)
  render :layout => 'forms'

def update
  @candidate = Candidate.find(params[:id])
  if @candidate.update_attributes(params[:candidate])
    flash[:notice] = "Profile updated successfully."
    redirect_to :action => "show", :id => params[:id]
    flash[:notice] = "There was an error updating your profile."
    render :action => "edit", :id => params[:id]


I don't believe there are any methods involved. I almost hope there is something obviously wrong with my approach because that means it'll get fixed :).



For part two this should do it:

@s = "Really Important!*() Document version#123123.newest.pdf"
@s.gsub!(' ','_').downcase! #this will make everything lowercase and replace all spaces with underscores
@s.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z._]+/,'') #this will remove all numbers and special characters except . and _
puts @s #prints "really_important_document_version.newest.pdf"


After some more research into paperclip I found the following:


Check that link out, I believe it is what you are looking for.

编辑2:在您的文章中我最初读我错过地掏出号码以及一部分,我已经修改了regulat EX pression code考虑到这一点。

Edit 2: In my initial read of your post I missed the part about pulling out numbers as well, I have modified the regulat expression code to account for that.