
2023-09-11 08:46:52 作者:南音雨阁


I have a standard Elastic Beanstalk app set up and running great over HTTP. There is one EC2 instance (for now), and the domain is configured with a CNAME pointing to the load balancer. Following the instructions in the AWS documentation, I inputted the SSL certificate and configured the load balancer as such:

负载均衡协议:HTTPS 负载均衡器端口:443 实例协议:HTTP 实例端口:80 密码:[默认] SSL证书:myCert


The changes look like they have been applied; in the load balancer description, I see:

Port configuration: 
80 (HTTP) forwarding to 80 (HTTP)
    Stickiness: Disabled

443 (HTTPS, Certificate: myCert) forwarding to 80 (HTTP)
    Stickiness: Disabled

不过,我不能在HTTPS负载均衡器URL或我的域的HTTPS URL,访问该站点。请求超时。该HTTP网站将继续正常工作。

However, I cannot access the site at the HTTPS load balancer URL or my domain's HTTPS URL. Request times out. The HTTP site continues to work well.


Is there any additional configuration I have to do to have the server respond on HTTPS? Am I correct in assuming that there is no configuration required at the app level, since SSL is terminated at the load balancer and the app will continue to speak HTTP?



What I suspect you are missing is allowing access to your instance from your load balancer's security group.


You can see the load balancer's security group here:


Then you can see add it to your instance's security group here: