最佳实践:AmazonS3 URL共享URL

2023-09-11 23:41:28 作者:我会坚强@


I planning to keep access to files on AmazonS3 as private. But I would like to share file URL with a limited group of people.


What is recommended way for doing this ?



Just create a signed, time limited url and share it with them in whatever way you like.

您也可以看看使用 AWS身份和访问管理(IAM)(目前在Beta版)对于其他的方式来控制访问。但是,说实话,查询字符串认证将是最简单的实现和配置应该符合大多数用例。

You could also look at using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) (currently in Beta) for other ways to control access. But, honestly, querystring authentication is going to be the simplest to implement and should be fine for the majority of use cases.