
2023-09-11 08:39:17 作者:尐吖头

我刚刚(约1小​​时前)相关的弹性IP 以我的实例亚马逊的 EC2 。如果我SSH到我的实例,然后键入猞猁本地主机我可以看到Apache的响应,因为我看到它的工作原理页。

I've just (about 1 hour ago) associated an Elastic IP to my instance at Amazon EC2. If I SSH into my instance and type lynx localhost I can see that apache is responsive because I see the It works page.

不过,如果我浏览到我的实例(包括通过IP本身的和的通过公共DNS亚马逊已经为我创造了),我得到的哎呀!谷歌浏览器无法连接到 .. BLA BLA ...

However, If I browse into my instance (both via the IP itself and via the public DNS Amazon has created for me), I get Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to.. bla bla...


Should I wait some more time (in case it's due to some DNS thing) or does this indicate something is wrong?



When I ssh into my instance, I use the full IP address and it works... (the Elastic IP I mean).



You must config the firewall to open the HTTP port.

要更具体地,为AWS这是通过安全组完成的。您应该创建一个与您需要打开的端口。在大多数情况下是这样的POR 80 TCP。

To be more specific, for AWS this is done via Security Groups. You should create one with the ports you need opened. In most cases that's the por 80 for TCP.


You can see how to achieve this on the documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-network-security.html