发送来自AWS EC2实例电子邮件(SES强制性的?)强制性、实例、电子邮件、AWS

2023-09-11 08:19:58 作者:冷暖自知丶

我写这个帖子只是为了看看我是否能获得关于在AWS EC2实例电子邮件发送的概念作出一些澄清。

I write this post just to see if I can get some clarifications regarding email sending concepts in an AWS EC2 instance.



I´m developing a Rails application that sends emails to customers (such as confirmation or information emails).


I dont know exactly which email service is using Rails. I didn´t install any particular gem. But the emails are been sent perfectly in development environment (Ubuntu).

当我部署到我的生产环境(AWS EC2实例)。此功能无法正常工作。你可以看到在我上面提供的职位的错误的详细信息。错误与某些 SMTP连接相关的拒绝

When I deploy to my production environment (AWS EC2 instance). This functionality is not working. You can see the error details in the post I provided above. The error is related with some smtp connection refused.

所以,我看过一些其他职位,但林混淆。它是强制性的,以从EC2实例发送电子邮件使用AWS SES服务?或者,它只是涉及到安全证书有问题(也许我只需要打开SMTP 25端口)。我是否需要安装任何电子邮件客户端或服务器?

So, I have read some other posts but Im confused. Is it mandatory to use the AWS SES service in order to send emails from EC2 instance? Or it is just a problem related to security credentials (maybe I just need to open the smtp 25 port). Do I need to install any email client or server?



Sending emails from EC2 instances is limited by Amazon and strictly throttled at network level. This is to prevent spamming and other abuses.

如果您有大量的电子邮件发送给您的客户,推荐的方法是使用亚马逊简单电子邮件服务 。随着亚马逊SES,您可以发送电子邮件交易,营销信息,或任何其他类型的高品质的内容,你只支付您所使用的东西。

If you have a large amount of emails to send to your customers, the recommended way is to use Amazon Simple Email Service. With Amazon SES, you can send transactional email, marketing messages, or any other type of high-quality content and you only pay for what you use.

如果你真的需要从EC2实例发送电子邮件,您必须使用弹性IP联系地址,并要求亚马逊的支持,从EIP上的SMTP流量中除去限制。 与我们联系的形式在https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/ec2-email-limit-rdns-request (需验证)

If you really need to send emails from an EC2 instance, you must use an Elastic IP Adress and ask Amazon's support to remove limitations on SMTP traffic from that EIP. The form to contact us is available at https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/ec2-email-limit-rdns-request (authentication is required)

